B2B content marketers face a myriad of challenges—from keeping their content fresh and educational and not too promotional—to constantly staying top of mind to a highly targeted, demanding audience.
But in this ever-changing environment, some obstacles are more difficult than others to overcome and they need to be hurdled first.
The Content Marketing Institute recently surveyed 105 B2B content marketers in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands and compiled their top 5 biggest obstacles. B2B content marketers are always dealing with complex subject matters, sophisticated audiences, and tight brand restrictions.
However, these issues are mere child’s play and didn’t even crack into the top 5 problematic areas, according to CMI. Below are the issues that B2B content marketers said are the biggest thorns in their side.
Changing Priorities and Unclear Briefs: Well, the more things change, the more they change. This drives content marketers nuts. In fact, according to CMI, approximately 9 out of 10 survey respondents said changing or conflicting priorities is a problem with 65% saying it’s a “big problem”. When the target is always moving, it becomes extremely difficult to drive relevant and consistent content.
Stakeholder Interference: Getting everyone in an organization on the same page and early is a daunting task for content marketers. Disruption from stakeholders is considered a major problem with 86% claiming it was a challenge and 50% saying if was a “big issue”, according to CMI.
Lack of Budget, Resources and Time: There are always too many asks on content marketers and not enough funds. In fact, 87% of those surveyed by CMI said budget limitations were an issue and gets in the way of their execution plans.
Lack of Cooperation from Other Departments: B2B content marketers need to work with all facets of an organization to execute successful programs. Input from sales, developers and other company subject matter experts is critical. However, 86% said they run into difficulties cooperating with other internal departments.
Inadequate Access to Customers: Case studies and customer testimonials carry a lot of weight and B2B content marketers know it. But it is easier said than done. Getting access and authorization remains a main stumbling block, according to CTI.